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Rapports OHT KW4

Census Report


This report summarizes the 2021 Canadian Census data, looking especially at how the data for the KW4 compares to nearby regions, as well as Ontario and Canada.


Each section of the report includes relevant definitions, data presented in various formats and a summary highlighting notable trends.


This report was produced as a collaboration between the KW4 OHT, the City of Kitchener and the City of Waterloo.

Census Impact Report.png

OHT Indicators & Population Segmentation

Health System Performance Network (HSPN) shared updated improvement indicator reports with OHTs across the province in January 2023. HSPN first produced a set of 10 improvement indicators for OHTs in January 2021. In the fall of 2023, HSPN updated the indicators for all approved teams up to Cohort 4 (53 teams). 

The KW4 OHT-specific report contains two main sections: 

  1. The first section provides KW4 OHT’s ranking on 15 improvement indicators amongst all OHTs

  2. The second section provides KW4 OHTs results for 12 indicators stratified by 4 sub-groupings (material deprivation, primary care model, CIHI Pop Health Grouper and BC Health System Matrix) 

KW4 OHT will be considering this data as we develop our improvement plans and prioritize our work.

Member Meetings

Governance Table Meetings

Primary Care Goverance Report

Contract Review

If you would like information on the Steering Committee or Members meeting materials, please contact Suellen Robertson at

Plan collaboratif d'amélioration de la qualité (cQIP)

À maturité, les OHT auront la capacité d'améliorer les performances grâce à la normalisation clinique et des données, à des analyses avancées et à de solides pratiques de gestion de l'information pour permettre la gestion de la santé de la population, l'amélioration de la qualité et la mesure des résultats. 

Les OHT seront mesurés, rapporteront et amélioreront les performances dans un cadre standardisé, lié au quadruple objectif (amélioration des résultats de santé, expérience des patients et des prestataires, et valeur).  

2024/25 cQIP

Progress Report



Executive Summary

External Collaborators Report

2023/24 cQIP

Progress Report



Executive Summary

External Collaborators Report

Rapports de l'année 1

ICT-Refugee Health 2022-2023: Implementation & Impact Summary

KW4 OHT Refugee Health Integrated Care Team
Final Evaluation Report

ICT Evaluation Report:

Documents d'orientation

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